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492 lines
10 KiB

(base_design velocomputer.dsn)
(resolution um 10)
(component Capacitors_SMD:C_1206
(place C1 1778000 -927100 front 0)
(place C2 1689100 -863600 front 90)
(place C3 1752600 -863600 front 90)
(place C4 1701800 -927100 front 0)
(place C5 1816100 -863600 front 270)
(component Diodes_SMD:D_1206
(place D1 1701800 -977900 front 180)
(component custom:1pin
(place J1 1358900 -787400 front 0)
(place J2 1358900 -952500 front 0)
(place J3 1854200 -952500 front 0)
(place J4 1854200 -787400 front 0)
(component Inductors_SMD:L_Fastron_PISN
(place L1 1689100 -749300 front 180)
(component Resistors_SMD:R_1206
(place R1 1485900 -838200 front 180)
(place R2 1485900 -889000 front 180)
(place R4 1625600 -927100 front 0)
(place R5 1549400 -977900 front 180)
(place R6 1549400 -927100 front 180)
(component Resistors_SMD:R_2512
(place R3 1422400 -863600 front 270)
(component "w_smd_dil:so-8"
(place U1 1587500 -863600 front 270)
(resolution um 10)
(host_cad "KiCad's Pcbnew")
(host_version "4.0.5+dfsg1-4")
(padstack "Via[0-1]_1500:500_um"
(circle F.Cu 15000 0 0)
(circle B.Cu 15000 0 0)
(attach off)
(net "Net-(C1-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1777083 -927100
1777083 -912900
1790389 -899594
(path B.Cu 8000
1650283 -881475
1668402 -899594
1790389 -899594
(path F.Cu 8000
1615440 -869950
1628599 -869950
1640124 -881475
1650283 -881475
(path F.Cu 8000
1763000 -927100
1777083 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1763000 -927100
1763000 -945783
1730883 -977900
(via "Via[0-1]_1500:500_um" 1650283 -881475
(via "Via[0-1]_1500:500_um" 1790389 -899594
(path F.Cu 8000
1716800 -977900
1730883 -977900
(net "Net-(C3-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1752600 -878600
1735517 -878600
(path F.Cu 8000
1686800 -927100
1700883 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1700883 -927100
1700883 -913234
1735517 -878600
(path F.Cu 8000
1640100 -927100
1686800 -927100
(net VDD
(path F.Cu 8000
1422400 -832600
1447483 -832600
(path F.Cu 8000
1507192 -838200
1489608 -820616
1459467 -820616
1447483 -832600
(path F.Cu 8000
1507192 -838200
1513983 -838200
(path F.Cu 8000
1500400 -838200
1507192 -838200
(path F.Cu 8000
1422400 -832600
1397317 -832600
(path F.Cu 8000
1397317 -832600
1397317 -825817
1358900 -787400
(path F.Cu 8000
1559560 -857250
1533033 -857250
1513983 -838200
(net "Net-(R1-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1471400 -838200
1471400 -855783
(path F.Cu 8000
1507192 -889000
1473975 -855783
1471400 -855783
(path F.Cu 8000
1507192 -889000
1513983 -889000
(path F.Cu 8000
1500400 -889000
1507192 -889000
(path F.Cu 8000
1537319 -880039
1522944 -880039
1513983 -889000
(path F.Cu 5992
1537319 -880039
1547024 -870334
(path F.Cu 8000
1554144 -870334
1547024 -870334
(path F.Cu 5992
1554144 -870334
1554528 -869950
1559560 -869950
(net "Net-(C4-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1799017 -848600
1799017 -858966
1730883 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1686800 -977900
1700883 -977900
(path F.Cu 8000
1700883 -977900
1700883 -960100
1716800 -944183
(path F.Cu 8000
1577483 -977900
1686800 -977900
(path F.Cu 8000
1563900 -977900
1577483 -977900
(path F.Cu 8000
1816100 -848600
1799017 -848600
(path F.Cu 8000
1716800 -927100
1730883 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1716800 -935641
1716800 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1716800 -935641
1716800 -944183
(path F.Cu 8000
1854200 -787400
1816100 -825500
1816100 -848600
(path F.Cu 8000
1740800 -749200
1816000 -749200
1854200 -787400
(net "Net-(C2-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1689100 -864517
1641669 -864517
1633783 -856631
1620621 -856631
(path F.Cu 8000
1689100 -878600
1689100 -864517
(path F.Cu 5992
1620621 -856631
1616059 -856631
1615440 -857250
(net "Net-(C2-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1615440 -843548
1646176 -843548
1647900 -845272
(path F.Cu 8000
1672017 -848600
1668689 -845272
1647900 -845272
(path B.Cu 8000
1571481 -953130
1571481 -921691
1647900 -845272
(path F.Cu 5992
1615440 -843548
1615440 -844550
(path F.Cu 5992
1615440 -843547
1615440 -843548
(path F.Cu 8000
1689100 -848600
1672017 -848600
(path F.Cu 8000
1615440 -843547
1613317 -841424
1613317 -749400
(via "Via[0-1]_1500:500_um" 1647900 -845272
(via "Via[0-1]_1500:500_um" 1571481 -953130
(path F.Cu 8000
1597517 -927100
1571487 -953130
1571481 -953130
(path F.Cu 8000
1637400 -749400
1613317 -749400
(path F.Cu 8000
1611100 -927100
1597517 -927100
(net "Net-(C3-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1735517 -848600
1727159 -848600
1714711 -861048
1714711 -879119
1695772 -898058
1629579 -898058
1618052 -886531
(path F.Cu 8000
1618052 -886531
1577483 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1618052 -885262
1618052 -886531
(path F.Cu 8000
1752600 -848600
1735517 -848600
(path F.Cu 8000
1534900 -977900
1534900 -960317
(path F.Cu 8000
1570351 -927100
1537134 -960317
1534900 -960317
(path F.Cu 8000
1570692 -927100
1570351 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1563900 -927100
1570351 -927100
(path F.Cu 8000
1570692 -927100
1577483 -927100
(path F.Cu 5992
1618052 -885262
1615440 -882650
(net "Net-(R3-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 8000
1422400 -894600
1447483 -894600
(path F.Cu 8000
1559560 -883418
1536394 -906584
1459467 -906584
1447483 -894600
(path F.Cu 5992
1559560 -883418
1559560 -882650